Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Feng Shui 2013 - Annual Flying Stars

In 2013 (the year of the snake 癸巳年), the annual number five earth star will fly to the center palace. Since this star (五黃廉貞星) is referred as one of the most vicious star in Xuan Kong Flying Star feng shui, it will brings all kinds of natural and man make disasters, for example, the eruption of volcanoes etc., and explosions which implies warfare. This will most likely happen  in the eastern and western part of the world. The number five earth star also associated with poisoning, for example, food and chemical poisoning etc., and deadly disease like cancers; unfortunately, that means cancer will be again the number one killer in 2013.

Since we are in this topic, I will advice people to reduce using the cell phone and computers, because the fire element associated with them will enhance the earth element of the vicious number two and number five earth star! Amazingly, recently Italy's supreme court has upheld a ruling that said there was a link between a business executive's brain tumour and his heavy mobile phone usage!

In 2013, the flying pattern of the annual flying stars which the number five earth star starts from the center matched exactly the pattern of the Later Heaven Ba Gua; this is referred as fu yuan (伏吟)and not considered auspicious in XKFSFS. Therefore, feng shui cures is required to counteract its effects.

Nonetheless, since the number five star ( 五黃廉貞星)is flying back to the center palace where it belongs based on the Later Heaven Ba Gua, (like the Emperor Star flying back to the throne seat), this means everything will be back to normal and orders restored. Thus, I will predict a rocky start for the world at the beginning of 2013 and things will settle at the end of 2013.

Listed below are the forecast of the 2013 annual flying stars:


Base Star = 3          Annual flying star = 3 (三碧)

If the main entrance or bedroom is located at this sector, the household will likely encounter law suits, conflicts and arguments both at work and home. The feng shui cure is to place a fire element colors (purple, orange or red) carpet at this sector to counteract its effects.

The number three star is wood element, which is associated with earthquake, conflicts and warfare. Be careful when travelling to the countries in this direction.

Also, the three sha (三煞) star is located at this sector, thus it is important to avoid major construction works, because it will cause law suits, conflicts, serious accidents and operation.


Base Star = 9            Annual Flying Star = 9 (九紫)

Under XKFSFS, the number nine star is associated with the fire element. This star will bring happiness, romance and wealth star especially in Period Eight (2004-2023) and Period Nine (2024-2043).

If the bedroom is located at this sector, no feng shui enhancement is necessary because the bedroom is considered as the enhancing interior luan tao for the star. If the main entrance is locate at this sector, placing a running water feature will enhance the auspicious effects of this star.

On the other hand, since the number nine star is fire element which will cause fire hazards. Therefore, caution has to be taken when travelling to the countries in this direction, or the kitchen is located at this sector.


Base Star = 7              Annual Flying Star = 7 (七赤)

The number seven metal star fly to the west sector in 2013, this implies the opportunities of robbery and thefts. If the main entrance or windows are at this sector and facing a mountain or tall building, it will enhance this effect. Therefore, security measures are required for the doors and windows facing this direction.

Since the base star and the annual flying star are the same number seven metal star, this implies two metal stars fighting each other (交劍煞), which will cause arguments, thefts, law suits, and accidents caused by knife or sharp objects. It also implies health problems in the head, breathing, mouth and teeth, especially affecting the female members or the youngest daughter in the family if the bedroom is located at this sector. The proper feng shui cure is to apply water element objects or colors, for example, placing a black or blue color carpet, a water feature or even a container with clean water at this sector.

The number seven star is also associated with war and conflicts; this implies the countries in this west may face war and riots. Therefore, caution has to be taken when travelling to the countries in 2013.


Base Star = 1               Annual Flying Star = 1 (一白)

In 2013, it is not auspicious to have water feature at this sector. If there is water feature in this sector, it will cause misfortune caused by improper romance or extramarital affairs. People with the main entrance and bedroom in this sector and facing water feature have to be careful about their marriage.

The number one star is associated with the water element, which is related to the kidney, excretory and reproductive system and ears of the human body. Therefore, feng shui cure must be applied if this sector is the main entrance and bedroom and there are water features located inside or outside of the house. In this case, we can apply wood element objects or colors to dissipate the energy of the number one water star. For example, place a green color carpet or green plant at this sector.

The number one water star is also related with the scholar luck. Thus, placing one Chinese feather pen on the left side of the desk or four bamboo plants in water at the North sector will enhance the scholar luck in 2013.

South East

Base Star = 4                    Annual Flying Star = 4 (四綠)

In 2013, the number four wood star is located at the SE sector. This star will bring scholar luck. If the main entrance or the bedroom is located in this sector, placing a green color floor mat outside the door will enhance its effects. Also, placing four bamboo plants in water at this sector will also enhance the scholar luck in 2013.

Since the wood element of the number four star will destroy the earth element of the number five star at the center palace, it implies the opportunities of earth quake, collapse of buildings, land slide and typhoon. Therefore, be careful when travelling or taking trips to the south eastern countries.

Lastly, the grand duke () will position at the south east sector in 2013, therefore, avoid construction works in this sector; otherwise, it will cause serious misfortune and health problems.

North East

Base Star = 8                      Annual Flying Star = 8 (八白)

The number eight earth star is the most auspicious wealth star in Period Eight (2004-2023).  In 2013, it fly to the NE sector (艮卦), which represents the youngest son in the family. This star will brings happiness, good fortune and money luck especially true to the youngest son. If the main entrance is at this sector, placing a running water feature and a yellow or brown color welcome mat outside the door will enhance the effect.

South West

Base Star = 2                      Annual Flying Star = 2 (二黑)

In 2013, the number two earth star flies to the SE sector. This star represents illness under Xuan Kong Flying Star feng shui. Since its element is earth, which is associated with the stomach, digestive system, excretory system and skins of the human body. Therefore, if the main entrance or the bedroom is located at this sector, feng shui cure must be applied to counteract its effects. As a matter of fact, I will strongly recommend applying feng shui cure at the SW corner of every bedroom, so that the whole family is protected from this vicious star in 2013. The most effective feng shui cure is to hang 8 Chinese coins and metal Wu Lo at the SW corner of this sector; and avoid earth and fire element objects and colors.

North West

Base Star = 6                        Annual Flying Star = 6 (六白)

The number six metal star will fly to the NW sector in 2013. This timely star is associated with the metal element; it represents money luck and promotion luck. If the main entrance or bedroom is already located at this sector, no feng shui enhancement is necessary. Of course, if possible, placing a running water feature or a container with water at this sector will further enhance its auspicious effects.

Also, the year break (歲破) star is located at the NW sector in 2013; therefore, it is good to avoid major renovation works at this sector as it will bring accidents and even death.

The above are the general feng shui forecast and the recommendations of enhancements and feng shui cure for the 2013 annual flying stars. Due to the fact that every house is different in terms of facing/sitting direction, outside environments (luan tao) and internal layout, the seriousness of the effects caused by the annual flying stars will also varies. Therefore, unless the annual star is located at the main entrance or in the bedrooms, I will suggest not worrying too much about it.

One important thing to keep in mind is the annual flying stars are considered as guest stars in Xuan Kong Flying Star feng shui. Therefore, by applying the appropriate feng shui cure or items is more than enough to enhance or counteract its effects. Do not follow the advice from those self-proclaimed experts such as to re-paint the room or re-arrangement of the furniture to suit the annual flying stars. This will only cause disruption and new problems to the existing feng shui or chi pattern of the house!

Conclusion: I will reiterate  that since the annual flying stars are considered as "guest stars" in Xuan Kong Flying Star feng shui. Its effects are determined by whether there are supporting "luan tao" (exterior and interior) to enhance  its effects,  and its interactions with the host stars combination at the sectors of the house. However,  I will strongly recommend to apply feng shui cure at the sectors where the annual #2 and #5 star are located, especially the #5 earth star; because they are very powerful and vicious in Period Eight (2004-2023) and will always cause serious accidents, misfortune and poor health and illness.

Happy and Prosperous 2013!



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