Monday, August 24, 2020

Is Feng Shui really work for me?


Recently I have received some emails from my readers, all voicing their frustration that feng shui is not working for them, even they have already hired feng shui "masters" and applied all the cure that has been "prescribed"! Well, I have decided to share my comments for those who are facing the same situation. [G1] 

The first significant factor that I want to point out is the "proper" approach to feng shui. We must approach Feng shui with an attitude of flexibility and an open mind, and understand that it is not magic, nor it cannot make us become a millionaire overnight! Nonetheless, if we know what we are doing and can apply the appropriate and sufficient cure, it will undoubtedly improve our situation and reduce the harm to us to a certain degree (催吉避兇).  I have witnessed this effect through many years of personal and professional experience.

The second factor is which type of feng shui that we are following as there is a various school of feng shui in the current market. I believe that the so-called "Western" or "New Age" Feng Shui is quite popular among Western societies where one can find in most of the books and websites and interesting enough this is what most of the complaints of no results stem from my readers. In general practice, most of the practitioners of this type of feng shui will be mixing up the BSTB (Balck Sect Tantric Buddhist) feng shui and the traditional Chinese feng shui, which has caused much confusion to many people.

Since we are on this topic, I want to share a story that I read somewhere regarding this type of feng shui and let my readers decide whether it makes sense or not. Let look at the following floor plan of a house which is asking nearly one (1) million dollars; and how a BSTB or Western feng shui practitioner will do when he/she was sent by a client to access the feng shui of the house.

We can see how this practitioner superimposed the "famous" ba bua map (which was invented by the BSTB's founder, Lin Yun) on the floor plan. The result is fascinating! For example, it shows that the entry in the "career" sector, the master bedroom is in the "knowledge" sector, and the kitchen is in the "helpful people" sector, etc. Thus, some likely feng shui interpretations of the house will be "they are sleeping on their knowledge," "their career is in the closet," "part of the wealth is missing," and "all the helpful people work in the kitchen"!

Joking aside, I really can not see how the practitioner can know that this house is right for their client? Let say if the client is already living in the house, what are the feng shui reasons that have been causing problems to the occupants (most of the time, people hired a feng shui practitioner only when they are having problems both in terms of fortune and health).

On the other hand, let us look at the different approach by a practitioner who is practicing the authentic Chinese feng shui (Xuan Kong Flying Stars Feng Shui). First off, he/she will also plot the traditional ba gua on the floor plan (as indicated in the following diagram).

Then he/she will calculate the natal chart based on the info of the facing compass reading and the construction time of the house.  Now with this info on hand, the practitioner can provide a detailed assessment to the client (based on the sitting/facing stars' combinations in each sector). For example, this house is auspicious for making money but at the expense of poor health. There would be some conflicts between husband and wife etc. The more proficient and seasoned the practitioner is in Xuan Kong Flying Star feng shui, the more info he/she can relate to the client. Furthermore, based on the pattern of the annual and monthly flying stars, the practitioner can also predict when problems are most likely to occur and how to apply feng shui cure to rectify the situation.

By the way, if any of my readers want to know more about the interpretations of the flying stars' combination, they can read the article regarding this topic.

So, which practitioner will the client hire to look for an expansive property?

Even though we can hire a capable "master" to check the feng shui of the house and follow through with his/her recommendation of feng shui cure, there are still a few crucial steps/ procedures to follow so that feng shui will work for us which I listed below:

One critical step is we must apply feng shui cure on an auspicious day and time to be effective. The reason is by doing the above, and the feng shui cure now uses in the most optimum and ideal conditions. In feng shui, this refers as "the combination of auspicious time, place and people luck" (天時, 地利, 人和). Sadly, I have seen many so-called masters have omitted this critical step in their practice! That may be one of the reasons that many people do not see a noticeable improvement in their situation.

Another essential condition that made feng shui work for us is we must "own" it, i.e. we must pay for the feng shui service because feng shui is very personal. In my professional practice, even that I am helping my family members or best friends in feng shui matters, I will insist that they will pay for the service even in a minimal sum like $10 or $20 in a red envelope. That is also the reason why I have received kind donations to my blog site from many readers when they are following my feng shui advice, and after I have explained this vital concept to them!

The final step for feng shui cure to work for us is we must "activate" the effects of the items that we used. For instance, we have to "induce" the role of the feng shui items through the combination of its physical form and our visualization and positive thinking (呼形喝像). Let say you are using eight old Chinese coins to counteract the vicious number 2 illness flying star (as I always recommend in this blog site). You have to visualize that they are sending out golden lights and driving out all the yin energy and make the place bright, clean and healthy.

To conclude, I hope the above will shed some light on the proper approach of applying feng shui cure. To help some of my readers to improve their situation and start to appreciate and benefit from the powerful and effective Xuan Kong Flying Stars Feng Shui!















Deleted:Is feng shui really work for me?

Sunday, May 10, 2020

What feng shui predicts about Covid-19 epidemic in the United States?

If you have read my previous 2020 annual flying stars’ predictions, I believe that you will be amazed by its accuracy in predicting the Covid-19 virus and its effects in different countries of the world.

Here I want to discuss the current status of the United States, which has the most reported infected cases and death worldwide. As I explained, the phenomenon of the Covid-19 virus was caused by the 2020 annual number 7 metal star stationed at the center of the natal chart, forming the [5,7] combination, which called for epidemic disease in relationship with the respiratory system of the human body.  

Also, the vicious 2020 annual number 5 star located in the East sector, which indicates that those countries in the Eastern part of the world, for example, the United States and Japan, Korea etc., will be the significant epidemic hot spot. At this time, do you not think that the Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng shui is truly powerful and effective?

Under the ideas of Feng shui, events happen when all the below three favourable conditions exist. The three states are "天時, 地利, 人和," which translates as "the combination of the flying stars, the matching physical conditions and the human factors." 

Based on the above, let us now look at the situation in the United States. Firstly, it is affected by the [5,7] combination, and it locates at the Eastern ba gua. 

Lastly, it has an incompetent government and president who doesn't know how to handle an epidemic and so many ignorant people refusing to conform to the proper staying at home, social distancing guidelines and wearing a face mask in public!

Some of my readers will recall that I predict that some of the leaders or rulers of the Eastern world countries will suffer from a severe illness because of the vicious 2020 annual number 5 star located in the East. Well, this phenomenon proved right again. I guess I do not have to remind you quite a few royal family members, the British prime ministers, etc., have infected the Covid-19 virus, correct?

I have received some requests from my readers who want to know more about the development of this dire situation based on the annual flying stars. Generally speaking, I have grave concerns about the status of The United States.

Well, the ineptness of leadership of the president in handling the epidemic, the rush of reopening the country etc., will constitute the factor of "人和" or human factor that enhances the effect of the [5,7] combination. With the June monthly number 2 illness star flying to the East, I will predict that there will be an explosive or second wave of new cases of Covid-19 virus and death in the United States in June. Things will improve only towards the end of the year!

To conclude, I will say that since we cannot do much about government policy, at least we can protect ourselves and our loved ones by applying the appropriate feng shui cures. Therefore, I will urge my readers to follow my feng shui recommendations based on my previous posting to keep safe and healthy!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Feng Shui Cures for Coronavirus and Omicron Variant

If you have read my article "Corona Virus and Feng Shui (2020 annual flying stars' forecast Part 2),
I guess you are amazed at its predictions and accuracy regarding the Covid-19 virus. Its dead-on pinpoint identification of the virus started at Wu Han, China; also, the first infected city in the US, which is New York also located in the Eastern Part of the United States, where the vicious 2020 number 5 earth star establishes!

As we are now experiencing the dire situations in many countries in the world, I will like to offer some Feng Shui recommendations to deal with this health issue. Of course, we must also follow the straight guidelines of stay home, practice social distancing, wearing masks in public places and regularly washing hands. Most likely, many of us are ordering to stay at home or work at home; therefore, I believe it is of utmost importance that we have every cure is placed to protect our family and loved ones.

To prove my point, I want to share a true story of myself, a few days ago, I was at the hospital ER with chest pain’s complaint, and after some blood tests and chest x-ray, I was instructed to do a Covid-19 test and ordered to self-isolated at home for 14 days and wait for the result. Today I was notified that my test result is negative! In this context, I firmly believe that the feng shui cure that I applied has done wonder on me and therefore, I want to reiterate the importance of making sure that proper feng shui remedies in place in every house!

Anyway, here are some of the critical cures that I want to recommend to my readers, and if you have a question or want to share some success stories, please email me directly and share it with other readers here, OK?

1. Since the vicious [5,7] combination, which induces the respiratory illness is at the center of the Ba Gua, I will recommend placing a container of clean water at the center of the house as the remedy.

2.  In the East area of the house, I recommend metal element objects like six old Chinese coins, metal wind chime, etc., especially if this is the entrance area of the house in which gold or grey coloured carpet/floor mat is a good idea. Also, make sure that this area is well lighted, clean and dry.

3. In the South area of the house, I suggest eight old Chinese coins and a metal Wu-Lo put in place. Also, putting a ceramic cow figurine in this area is critical, especially if this is your bedroom or sitting area. Again, make sure that this area is clean, bright and no water leakage.

4. In the West area of the house, remove any sharp metal objects like knives and kept a container of clean water in this area.

5. In every bedroom, put eight small smooth stone pebbles in a circular bowl at the SW corner for a female occupant, and the NW corner for a male occupant.

6. Lastly, print out the I-Ching symbol that I showed below to put it in the picture frame, place it facing the entrance area. Also, you can print another one, fold it into a triangular shape and put it inside your wallet.

To conclude, I hope things will improve as I have predicted in my 2020 annual flying stars' forecast, i.e. This epidemic will be under control around June!

Note: If you find that my posting is knowledgeable, informative and works for you, I appreciate any amount of donations (by clicking the "donate" button on the right side of the blog page) to my blog site to help support my continuous efforts to update the blog site. Thank you!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Corona Virus and Feng Shui (2020 annual flying stars' forecast Part 2)

Important request: If you find that my posting is knowledgeable, informative and works for you, I appreciate any amount of donations (by clicking the "donate" button on the right side of the blog page) to my blog site from my faithful readers/followers to help support my continuous efforts to update the blog site. Thank you!

At the time when I was writing the 2020 annual flying star's forecast Part 2, a severe event happened in the world that made me stop my work because I was shocked by the accuracy of the forecast that I am going to present. Throughout my many years of practicing Xuan Kong Flying Stars Feng Shui, it never ceased to amaze me with its power and accuracy and this time, it is really incredibly dead on!

In 2020, the annual number 7star flies to the center palace and it interacts with the number 5 base star, forming [5,7] combination. Since this is an untimely star [失運星], this implies conflicts and fights (warfare). Therefore, we can expect many serious political conflicts between many countries in the world. Another critical factor is the number 7 metal star is associated with the mouth, throat and lung of our body; this combination calls for epidemic disease in relationship with the respiratory system.

According to the "big tai chi" in authentic Chinese feng shui, China is located at the center palace, that is to say, China may face the outbreak of epidemic virus disease. Since the vicious 2020 number 5 earth star is located at the East, that means it will mostly start in the Eastern part of China. Lo and behold, currently China is precisely facing the outbreak of coronavirus disease, and it starts at the city of Wuhan (Eastern part of China) and killing 908 people and rising, and now starting to spread to other Eastern provinces and cities in China; and also different parts of the world especially those countries like Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, USA!

My recommendations

Based on my observations, I believe the dire situation shall improve in the Spring months, for example, the discovery of a cured vaccine etc. and the epidemic will be under controlled in the Summer months. Meanwhile, to protect ourselves and our loved ones, besides following all the preventive protocol, like wearing masks in public places, wash hands frequently, intake a lot of vitamin C to enhance our immune system. 

I recommend every household to put a container/cup of clean water at the center of the house and make sure that proper feng shui cure is in place at the South area of the house (refer to my 2020 annual flying stars' forecast Part 1); and most importantly this area shall be clean, dry and properly maintained.

Now let us continue to the 2020 annual flying stars' forecast for different parts of the world:

1. The United States of America

Since the USA is located in the East, it will be affected by the vicious 2020 number 5 star. Since the East is associated with the eldest son and leader. Therefore, I am afraid that some of the political leaders will have serious health issues or even death!

Since the number 5 earth star is related to significant illness and accidents, it implies that the USA will experience serious maritime and air accident; and also, epidemic disease in a relationship with the respiratory system. At the time of this writing, currently there are a few cases of coronavirus virus reported in the USA and based on the above things will get worst during the Summer months.

Furthermore, because of the USA just went through an unsuccessful impeachment of President Donald Trump and this is also the election year, the conflicts between the President and its Republican Party with the Democratic Party will cause major divisive of the country. I foresee the current robust economy and the stock market will experience significant setbacks. So, be careful when you are investing in the housing and stock market especially during the early part of the year!

2. Japan

Since Japan is located at the East from China, it will also be affected by the 2020 number 5 star. This implies the possibilities of epidemic diseases like the novel coronavirus and natural disasters, especially during the Summer months. 

Be careful when visiting Japan of the likelihood typhoon and earthquake.
In general, the number 5 star will cause retraction of the property and stock market.

3. Taiwan

Technically speaking, Taiwan is also located at the East from China, it is also affected by the 2020 number 5 star. Therefore, it will face the same issues as Japan did. I can foresee that its economy will suffer a further setback due to its hostile "Taiwan's independence from China" policy. 

With the influence of the vicious number 5 star, there is the possibility of military conflicts with China, especially during the Summer months.  

4. Canada

Canada locates in the NE from China, where the 2020 number 1 star is located. The number 1 star is considered a money star; therefore, things will improve from last year's downfall, which is affected by the number 2 star. I predict the housing market will grow after March this year.  As to the stock market, things will improve in the latter part of the year due to the effects of the recovery trade relationship between China.

Relatively speaking, the current coronavirus outbreak will not as severe as other countries.

I predict that the legal cases regarding the CFO of Huawei will settle eventually, the trade between Canada and China will resume as usual, and this will help improve the farm industry and economy of Canada at the end of the year.

5. South East Asia

Southeast Asia locates at the SW from China, where the 2020 number 4 star is located. I predict that the conflicts between Pakistan and India will lessen and this will help to improve the economy of both countries.

However, under the Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui, the number 2 Period Eight star (2004- 2023) locates at the SE sector, i.e. this is the sector where major natural disasters and epidemic disease area during this period, therefore, I will caution travelling to Indonesia, India, Pakistan or Bangladesh especially during the Summer months.

6. Australia and New Zealand

The above two countries located in the South from China, which will affect by the 2020 number 2 illness star. I predict that there will outbreak of epidemic diseases and volcano eruptions during the early part of the year.

With the combination with the number 3 Period Star [2,3], I expect Australia will continue its confrontation with the Chinese government regarding trade, and its alliance with the USA and its so-called "Freedom Voyage in the South China Sea" policy.

Since New Zealand is located close to Antarctica, which is affected much by the fire energy, therefore, I will caution people travelling to New Zealand during the early part of the year as there is the opportunity of volcano explosion or forest fire.

7. Middle East

The Middle East locates at the West from China; thus, it is affected by the 2020 annual number 9 star. Although this is an auspicious start, its combination with the Number 1 Period Star, i.e. [1,9], it implies that it is challenging to maintain peach in this territory. 

I predict that conflicts and warfare will continue in 2020, and this will affect the livelihood of the people in this region. 

8. Europe

Europe is also located at the West from China; therefore, it is also affected by the 2020 number 9 fire star. However, since it is located in the cold region and it does not have any underground fossil oil, it will have different effects as the Middle East countries. As a matter of fact, it will enjoy the auspicious chi from the auspicious number 9 star. 

Thus, I predict that its social and economic conditions will improve. It will come out from the influence of the USA and able to build an independent economic body and will become an essential economic region in Period Nine (2024-2043).

9. Russia

Russia located at the NW from China. This year the annual number 8 star flies to this sector. Since this is the most auspicious star in Period Eight, this implies that its economy will recover from the sanction policy by the USA and the European countries, which is further enhanced from the support of China by buying a lot of natural gas, oil and agricultural products.

To conclude, I will attach a symbol from I-Ching and my readers can print it out and put it facing the entrance, or fold it into a triangular shape and put it in the wallet.  Hopefully, this will help to protect you and your loved ones from the coronavirus. Here I wish my readers a Healthy and Prosperous 2020!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Blamed this on Bad Hong Kong's Feng Shui?

Recently I have watched an interesting Youtube video that I want to share with my readers. In essence, this is a conspiracy theory accusing the Chinese Government is using Feng Shui to destroy the prosperity of Hong Kong, causing all the current riots and problems. In which it has been going on for more than half a year and have no quick ending in the new year!
 I do not want to discuss any political matters in this blog site so that I will concentrate on some of its reasoning in Feng Shui aspects.
The chief complaint is the Government put up two recent "symbolic" structures that have been causing all the problems primarily based on the ideas of "luan tao" Feng Shui [巒頭风水].
 The first one is a massive structure used to divert the traffic in the central business district for whatever reason. This structure intends to look like a poisonous serpent head, and the flow of traffic around it looks exactly toxic fume split out from the serpent's mouth (see picture 1).
                                                                         Picture 1
The second one is the Hong Kong observation wheel at the AIA Vitality Park, located at a prime piece of land facing the Harbor. According to the so-called Feng Shui observation, which referred to as a "pearl" [明珠] (see picture 2 below).
The third structure mentioned in this context is the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Interestingly, many Feng Shui masters in Hong Kong claimed it looks like a turtle [靈龜]. (see picture 3). So, the Feng Shui theory behind the existence of these three massive structures is that it resembled of the phenomenon the poisonous serpent, the turtle is fighting for the "pearl," which causes much havoc and destruction in Hong Kong!
                                                                       Picture 3

Whether it makes sense or not, I will leave my readers to decide. Here I want to offer my few cents of observation in this discussion.
Technically speaking, we do have the concept of "calling out the symbol and representation" [ 呼形喝象] of a particular landscape formation or a physical form and structure in Feng Shui, which is a fundamental idea in "luan tao" Feng Shui [巒頭凤水]. It contains three elements which are "shape" [形], "meaning" [意], "chi" [氣]. In this case, the traffic diversion structure looks like a poisonous serpent's head ("shape," "meaning"). The flow of the traffic in front of the structure looks similar to the toxic fume splitting out from the serpent's mouth (" chi").
One thing I want to point out is the above based on imaginative and abstract observations by the Feng shui masters. A typical example of this idea is the formation of the Four Celestial Animals, i.e. green dragon on the left [左青龍], white tiger on the right [右白虎], red phoenix at the front [前朱雀], the black turtle at the rear [后玄武].
In my personal opinion, I believe that the observation wheel does have some Feng Shui implications in this instance. The moving of the wheel represents the chi is scattered, which considered not auspicious. If my readers are interested in this topic, you can refer to another article on my blog site when I am commenting on the Feng Shui of the new Apple's headquarter.