Friday, January 20, 2023

2023 annual flying stars Feng Shui Enhancement and Cures (癸卯年)


In 2023, under Feng Shui practice, the year of the Rabbit's official start date is February 4, 2023 (立春曰) at 10:33, which is different from the start date of the Chinese Lunar New Year, which is on January 22, 2023.

This year, the Five Yellow Earthstar (五黃廉貞星), the most powerful and vicious star in feng shui, will fly to the NW sector. It will cause significant loss in wealth and ill health, especially to the male household members in the family.


Therefore, it will be of utmost importance that a proper Feng Shui cure is in place in the NW area of the house.


Center Palace (中宮) - Four Green Scholar sector


The Four Green Wood star (四綠文曲星) flies to the center palace. If family members are studying or want to advance their careers, it is auspicious to put green plants in the center of the house. The most effective is four (4) lucky bamboo sticks in water. 

However, I will caution my readers not to put yellow or red items or sharp metal objects in this area because this will hinder fortune and cause accidents for the family. 


If possible, it would be good to move the study or office desk to the center of the room while placing four brushes (文昌筆) or nine-storey Pagoda (文昌塔) on the desk. A dark or blue carpet will also help.


SW (西南方) - One White Peach Blossom (桃花位) Sector


The One White Water star (一白貪狼星) flies to the SW sector. This star is associated with people, romance and side money luck such as the lottery, stock investment, etc.


It is proper to put auspicious items like money trees or six numbers of gold coins in this sector to enhance its energy; metal objects like Chi-Lin (麒鱗) are also suitable for this area. However, it is also essential to keep this area clean and bright and avoid too many enhancements, or it will cause third-party involvement in the marriage.


This One White star will also bring fertility luck. Those married women who want to have a baby this year shall enhance the feng shui in this sector, like the following ( 麒麟送子).

East (正東方) - Two Black Illness Sector

The Two Black stars (二黑巨門星) will bring much suffering and illness. Therefore, a proper feng shui cure is required. The most efficient way is to hang a metal WU-Lo and eight old Chinese coins in this area, especially true if the bed is located in the East sector of the bedroom. In addition, white or grey carpets are also good practice.


It is also vital that this area of the house must be clean, bright and dry to reduce the energy or chi of this illness earth star.


In 2023, try to avoid putting the bed in the East area of the bedroom. If it is not feasible to move the bed to other locations, the Feng Shui cure must be put near the bed. A white or grey carpet is also an excellent way to counteract this illness star.


SE (東南方)- Three Jade Conflicts Sector


In 2023, the Three Jade metal star (三碧星) will be in the SE sector. It will bring conflicts, arguments and lawsuits, especially those houses with SE entrances. Furthermore, it is not auspicious to commence large renovation projects or put too many green plants and blue objects (water fountains) in this area because this will enhance its energy.


The most effective feng shui cure in this respect is to put a container of water in this area (make sure that the water is clean and ¾ total all the time). 

In addition, putting a red light (must be on 24/7) is also a good area. This will help to reduce the chances of arguments in the family. As a matter of fact, this is primarily a feng shui cure that I used in my own house to counteract the annual Three Jade star.


NW (西北方) – Five Yellow Disaster Sector


The Five Yellow earth star (五黃廉貞星)is the most vicious in Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui. It is associated with disasters or even death. Therefore, the NW area of the house must be cluttered-free, bright and dry. Major renovation works are not recommended and only include a few red objects or fire element objects in this sector of the house.


The most effective cure is to hang six (6) old Chinese coins in this area. A metal clock or Chi Lin is also a proper cure to counteract the energy of the Five Yellow star.


At home, it will bring the loss of fortune, accidents and significantly affect the pregnant woman in the house, as stated in the classical Feng Shui text Zǐ bái Ju 紫白訣:[五主孕婦受災]. Thus it is not auspicious to work or sleep extensively in the NW sector of the house.

West (正西方)- Six White Side-fortune Sector

In 2023, the Six White metal star (六白武曲星) will fly to the West sector of the house. This star is associated with side money (偏財) and nobleman luck. If there is a window in this area, you can open the window as much as possible to attract the positive chi.

This area is not auspicious for having heavy furniture or objects in this area as this will obstruct the positive chi of the Six White metal star.

Also, note that the 2023 “Three Sha” star [ 三煞位] is also located in the West sector.  Therefore, it is not auspicious to sit in this area. I suggest using three (3) metal Chi-Lin to counteract the “Three Sha” star. Another practical feng shui item to put in this housing area is the feng shui “dragon turtle” [龍龜]. This will serve both to contain the sha-chi of the “Three Sha” star and, at the same time to attract the side-money luck from the Six White metal star.

NE (東北方) - Seven Jade Conflicts/Loss of Fortune Sector

In 2023, the Seven Jade metal star (七赤破軍星) flies to the NE sector of the house. This star is associated with loss of fortune, conflicts and missed opportunities in promotion; especially true you are sitting or sleeping in this area. This star will also cause accidents, especially automobile accidents.


The most effective cure (which I also used in my own house) is to put a container of clean water in this area to counteract its sha-chi because water will dissipate the metal energy of the Seven jade star. Please ensure the water is always clean and at least ¾ total.


Also, try to put away all sharp metal objects, like knives, scissors etc., in this housing area to prevent accidents.


South (正南方) – Eight White Money South Fortune Sector


This star (八白佐輔星) will have tremendous money and fortune and is considered the most auspicious star in Xuan Kong Flying Star feng shui.


This year, it will fly to the South sector. It is auspicious to place red or purple objects in this area. It is pivotal to keep this housing area bright and clean, to avoid putting objects like TV, Refrigerator or sound systems as this will disturb the positive chi. One thing to keep in mind is to remove any water fountain or aquarium, as there is a Feng shui saying that “water will dissipate the money” [見財化水]. If the main entrance door is in the South of the house, no feng shui placement is necessary as the positive chi will enter the house through the door, which is referred to as the “mouth of chi.”


To enhance the money luck of the Eight White star, you can put money trees, a treasure box or eight jade stones in this housing area.


North (正北方) - Nine Purple Happiness Sector


In 2023, the Nine Purple fire star (九紫右弼星) flies to the North. This is one of the bright stars in feng shui that brings romance, people and money luck. Therefore, this area must be cleaned with no old or non-used objects or furniture because this will disrupt the positive energy of the star.


To enhance the romance luck, you can place red and purple flowers or jade stones (it is best in a total of nine (9) total in this area.

Furthermore, besides the SW area, those couples who are seeking fertility luck this is also the additional area to put feng shui enhancement for the 2023 number nine fire star.




I want to express my most significant appreciation to my loyal readers/followers for supporting me in preparing the above feng shui report all these years (with current total pageviews of 329,560). I hope this serves to protect you and your family safely, healthily and prosperously living under the ideas of the mighty Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui (玄空飛星風水).


If you have any questions or need assistance preparing the feng shui cure, please feel free to contact me, and I will try my best to respond as soon as possible. Lastly, I wish you all a Prosperous, Safe and Happy Chinese New Year!


恭喜發財, 身體健康, 事業進步, 出入平安, 諸事如意!


Friendly Note: I am requesting my readers that their donation (whatever amount) is needed to help me maintain and update this blog site, as it requires me to put much effort into doing so. 


Furthermore, in doing so, you fulfilled an essential step of applying the feng shui cure, i.e., you own the treatment, and it will work only for you.


If you are kind enough to send your donation (whatever amount), you can click on the "donate" button at the blog page's bottom right. Thank you very much!














































1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! Will there be 2024 Cures Posted? Thank you!