Saturday, January 25, 2025


2025 (乙巳年) Flying Stars Forecast and Feng Shui Cures

Center Palace (中宮方) – Two Dark Earth Stars (二黑巨門星)

The vicious Two Dark Earth Star is in the center palace of the house this year. This will cause poor health and disaster for the house occupants.

Under the Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui (XKFSFS), combining the Two Dark Earth Flying Star with the Five Yellow Earth Base Star of the center palace [2,5 combination] is a serious concern. It is predicted to bring severe illness and misfortune to the head of the household (2,5 交加必損主). We must act swiftly and apply feng shui cures in every house accordingly. These cures are not just remedies but our immediate response to the Feng Shui challenges of 2025, providing reassurance in these uncertain times.

These celestial alignments are not confined to individual households. They have far-reaching implications on the global stage. It is alarming to consider that one or more ruling figureheads in the world, particularly in the NE part of the globe, may be at risk of serious illness, disaster, or even death. The potential impact of these alignments is not to be underestimated.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui cures in this area:

- Try to avoid sleeping or have the kitchen in this area

- Avoid too many yellow or red colour objects and lights

- Make sure to maintain this area bright, clean and dry

- Place/hang eight numbers of old Chinse coins and metal Wu-Lo in this area. If it is not feasible to hang the coins, one can stick them under a carpet and place them in the center area of the house.


NE sector – (東北方) - Five Yellow Earth Star (五黄廉貞星)

In 2025, the NE sector will be considered the most inauspicious area of the house because the vicious Five Yellow Earth Star is flying into this sector. This star is associated with disaster, accidents and even death. In light of the above, proper feng shui cures must be in place to protect the family members from any harm.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui cures in this area:

- This area must be kept quiet 

- Avoid putting big appliances, furniture and TVs in this area

- It must be kept clean, free of clutters

- Place/hang six old Chinese coins in this area; if hanging is not feasible, they can be put inside a metal circular plate or container.

If there are many activities or movements in this area, I suggest adding a pair of metal Pi Xiu to counteract the negative chi of the Five Yellow Earth Star. Pi Xiu is a mythical creature in Chinese culture who is believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune. The metal element of the Pi Xiu is particularly effective in neutralizing the negative energy of the Five Yellow Earth Star.


North Sector – (正北方) - Seven Red Metal Star (七赤破軍星)

In 2025, the Seven Red Metal Star will be located in the North sector of the house. This star represents conflicts, wars, contract breaks and car accidents.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui cures in this area:

- Place a container of clean water in this area to dissipate this star’s negative energy. The water must be replaced daily and kept clean

- Avoid putting too much ceramics or plants in this area. Ceramics and plants are associated with the Earth element, which can enhance the negative energy of the Seven Red Metal Star. Therefore, it's best to minimize their presence in this sector to reduce the influence of the Earth element and the negative energy of the Seven Red Metal Star.

- In addition to the above, aquarium or fish tank, blue or black colour carpets will also work

- Avoid putting sharp metal objects like scissors or knives in this area.


NW sector – (西北方) - Three Green Jade Wood Star (三碧禄存星)

In 2025, the Three Green Jade Wood star will fly to the NW sector of the house. This star denotes gossip and arguments both at home and at work.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui cures in this area:

- Try not to put the bed or sofa in this area

- Avoid thorny plants like roses or cactus in this area

- Apply fire elements or red objects as feng shui cures for this star to dissipate the intense wood energy of the Three Green Jade Star

Note: The one effective cure I also use yearly in my house is to plug in a red light (night light) in this area because it has to be on 24/7 to provide adequate, constant protection against the negative chi of the Three Green Jade Wood Star.


West sector – (正西方) - – Four Green Wood Star (四綠文曲星)

In 2025, the West sector will be considered the auspicious sector in the house because the Four Green Wood Star will be flying to this sector. This star represents scholar luck and career advancement. Therefore, all the students who want to improve their studies and examinations and those looking for career advancement or promotion shall apply feng shui enhancements in this area.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui enhancements to this area:

- If possible, it is auspicious to place the study desk or computer in this area

- The most effective feng shui enhancement for the Four Green Wood Star is placing four lucky bamboo stems in a blue vase with water

- The metal nine-storey feng shui pagoda (文昌塔) will also enhance this star's positive chi.


South West sector – (西南方) - Eight White Earth Star (八白佐輔星)

The auspicious Eight White Earth Star will be in the SW sector. This star will bring wealth and property luck. If proper feng shui enhancements are in place, it will undoubtedly improve the chances of starting a business or increase the profits of business establishments. Thus, this sector will be the house's wealth sector (財位) in 2025.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui enhancements to this area:

- Moving the cash register to this area for a business establishment is auspicious. At home, it is the ideal place to be safe

- This area must be kept bright and clean, free of clutters

- Place auspicious feng shui items like money tree, treasure tray (聚宝盤), golden toad (金蟾), obsidian (黑曜石), etc., in the West sector to enhance the wealth luck associated with this star.


South Sector – (正南方) - Six White Metal Star (六白武曲星)

The Six White Metal Star is located in the South sector of the house in 2025. This star is associated with “side money,” luck (), a favour for investment and lottery luck.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui enhancements to this area:

- In feng shui practice, it is vital to keep the wealth sector bright and clean; avoid too many fire elements objects in this sector as this will dissipate the energy of this star

I recommend putting together a treasure tray (best containing some precious stones) with three golden toads in this sector to enhance the chances of gaining the “side money” luck.


SE sector (東南方) - One White Water Star (一白貪狼星)

In 2025, the SE sector will be considered the romance sector (桃花位), where the One White Water Star is located. This star is also associated with good personal relations and wisdom, favouring sales and public relations professions.

Furthermore, this star will bring fertility luck in 2025. Therefore, it is auspicious to sleep in this sector of the house.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui enhancements to this area:

- It is auspicious to apply crystal items as feng shui enhancement in this sector; they will supply positive energy and reduce negative chi

- In addition, placing metal feng shui items or white-coloured potted plants (盆栽) in the SE sector will further enhance career promotion and increase customer volume for those engaged in sales or public relations work.


East Sector (正東方) - Nine Purple Fire Star (九紫右弼星)

The Nine Purple Fire Stars will fly to the East sector this year. Their interaction with the Three Green Jade wood base star will further enhance their effects, as per the Feng Shui Five Elements Concept, which is “wood feed fire” (木能生火). This star will bring romance, marriage luck and happy events in 2025.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui enhancements to this area:

- Placing/applying fire element objects and colours in this area will enhance its energy. Some examples are red carpets, lights, and red flowers (a total number of nine)

This area of the house must be kept clean and uncluttered to prevent this star's positive effects from being disrupted.

Note: For those who want to know how to apply the above cures/enhancements properly, please refer to my previous posting. If you need assistance choosing an auspicious date and time, let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you. What is the auspicious date and time