Saturday, January 25, 2025


2025 (乙巳年) Flying Stars Forecast and Feng Shui Cures

Center Palace (中宮方) – Two Dark Earth Stars (二黑巨門星)

The vicious Two Dark Earth Star is in the center palace of the house this year. This will cause poor health and disaster for the house occupants.

Under the Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui (XKFSFS), combining the Two Dark Earth Flying Star with the Five Yellow Earth Base Star of the center palace [2,5 combination] is a serious concern. It is predicted to bring severe illness and misfortune to the head of the household (2,5 交加必損主). We must act swiftly and apply feng shui cures in every house accordingly. These cures are not just remedies but our immediate response to the Feng Shui challenges of 2025, providing reassurance in these uncertain times.

These celestial alignments are not confined to individual households. They have far-reaching implications on the global stage. It is alarming to consider that one or more ruling figureheads in the world, particularly in the NE part of the globe, may be at risk of serious illness, disaster, or even death. The potential impact of these alignments is not to be underestimated.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui cures in this area:

- Try to avoid sleeping or have the kitchen in this area

- Avoid too many yellow or red colour objects and lights

- Make sure to maintain this area bright, clean and dry

- Place/hang eight numbers of old Chinse coins and metal Wu-Lo in this area. If it is not feasible to hang the coins, one can stick them under a carpet and place them in the center area of the house.


NE sector – (東北方) - Five Yellow Earth Star (五黄廉貞星)

In 2025, the NE sector will be considered the most inauspicious area of the house because the vicious Five Yellow Earth Star is flying into this sector. This star is associated with disaster, accidents and even death. In light of the above, proper feng shui cures must be in place to protect the family members from any harm.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui cures in this area:

- This area must be kept quiet 

- Avoid putting big appliances, furniture and TVs in this area

- It must be kept clean, free of clutters

- Place/hang six old Chinese coins in this area; if hanging is not feasible, they can be put inside a metal circular plate or container.

If there are many activities or movements in this area, I suggest adding a pair of metal Pi Xiu to counteract the negative chi of the Five Yellow Earth Star. Pi Xiu is a mythical creature in Chinese culture who is believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune. The metal element of the Pi Xiu is particularly effective in neutralizing the negative energy of the Five Yellow Earth Star.


North Sector – (正北方) - Seven Red Metal Star (七赤破軍星)

In 2025, the Seven Red Metal Star will be located in the North sector of the house. This star represents conflicts, wars, contract breaks and car accidents.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui cures in this area:

- Place a container of clean water in this area to dissipate this star’s negative energy. The water must be replaced daily and kept clean

- Avoid putting too much ceramics or plants in this area. Ceramics and plants are associated with the Earth element, which can enhance the negative energy of the Seven Red Metal Star. Therefore, it's best to minimize their presence in this sector to reduce the influence of the Earth element and the negative energy of the Seven Red Metal Star.

- In addition to the above, aquarium or fish tank, blue or black colour carpets will also work

- Avoid putting sharp metal objects like scissors or knives in this area.


NW sector – (西北方) - Three Green Jade Wood Star (三碧禄存星)

In 2025, the Three Green Jade Wood star will fly to the NW sector of the house. This star denotes gossip and arguments both at home and at work.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui cures in this area:

- Try not to put the bed or sofa in this area

- Avoid thorny plants like roses or cactus in this area

- Apply fire elements or red objects as feng shui cures for this star to dissipate the intense wood energy of the Three Green Jade Star

Note: The one effective cure I also use yearly in my house is to plug in a red light (night light) in this area because it has to be on 24/7 to provide adequate, constant protection against the negative chi of the Three Green Jade Wood Star.


West sector – (正西方) - – Four Green Wood Star (四綠文曲星)

In 2025, the West sector will be considered the auspicious sector in the house because the Four Green Wood Star will be flying to this sector. This star represents scholar luck and career advancement. Therefore, all the students who want to improve their studies and examinations and those looking for career advancement or promotion shall apply feng shui enhancements in this area.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui enhancements to this area:

- If possible, it is auspicious to place the study desk or computer in this area

- The most effective feng shui enhancement for the Four Green Wood Star is placing four lucky bamboo stems in a blue vase with water

- The metal nine-storey feng shui pagoda (文昌塔) will also enhance this star's positive chi.


South West sector – (西南方) - Eight White Earth Star (八白佐輔星)

The auspicious Eight White Earth Star will be in the SW sector. This star will bring wealth and property luck. If proper feng shui enhancements are in place, it will undoubtedly improve the chances of starting a business or increase the profits of business establishments. Thus, this sector will be the house's wealth sector (財位) in 2025.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui enhancements to this area:

- Moving the cash register to this area for a business establishment is auspicious. At home, it is the ideal place to be safe

- This area must be kept bright and clean, free of clutters

- Place auspicious feng shui items like money tree, treasure tray (聚宝盤), golden toad (金蟾), obsidian (黑曜石), etc., in the West sector to enhance the wealth luck associated with this star.


South Sector – (正南方) - Six White Metal Star (六白武曲星)

The Six White Metal Star is located in the South sector of the house in 2025. This star is associated with “side money,” luck (), a favour for investment and lottery luck.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui enhancements to this area:

- In feng shui practice, it is vital to keep the wealth sector bright and clean; avoid too many fire elements objects in this sector as this will dissipate the energy of this star

I recommend putting together a treasure tray (best containing some precious stones) with three golden toads in this sector to enhance the chances of gaining the “side money” luck.


SE sector (東南方) - One White Water Star (一白貪狼星)

In 2025, the SE sector will be considered the romance sector (桃花位), where the One White Water Star is located. This star is also associated with good personal relations and wisdom, favouring sales and public relations professions.

Furthermore, this star will bring fertility luck in 2025. Therefore, it is auspicious to sleep in this sector of the house.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui enhancements to this area:

- It is auspicious to apply crystal items as feng shui enhancement in this sector; they will supply positive energy and reduce negative chi

- In addition, placing metal feng shui items or white-coloured potted plants (盆栽) in the SE sector will further enhance career promotion and increase customer volume for those engaged in sales or public relations work.


East Sector (正東方) - Nine Purple Fire Star (九紫右弼星)

The Nine Purple Fire Stars will fly to the East sector this year. Their interaction with the Three Green Jade wood base star will further enhance their effects, as per the Feng Shui Five Elements Concept, which is “wood feed fire” (木能生火). This star will bring romance, marriage luck and happy events in 2025.

Here are my recommendations for how to apply feng shui enhancements to this area:

- Placing/applying fire element objects and colours in this area will enhance its energy. Some examples are red carpets, lights, and red flowers (a total number of nine)

This area of the house must be kept clean and uncluttered to prevent this star's positive effects from being disrupted.

Note: For those who want to know how to apply the above cures/enhancements properly, please refer to my previous posting. If you need assistance choosing an auspicious date and time, let me know.

Sunday, January 28, 2024


2024 Annual Flying Stars Feng Shui Cures and Forecast

Before I go any further, I trust all my readers have enjoyed a safe and prosperous year by following my 2023 annual Flying Stars feng shui advice!

2024, the year of the Dragon (甲辰龍年), is extraordinary because this is the commencing year of Period Nine (九運 2024 - 2043) in Feng Shui. This represents a new set of changes and chi patterns in Feng Shui. Therefore, I will post another article on Period Nine under a separate cover, which will shed some insights into how it will affect our daily lives and the world's influences. Please stay tuned!

In 2024, Tai Shui () will be located in the SE sector; therefore, try to avoid significant construction works in this area, and this also applies to the South sector where the San sha (三煞) star is located.

Regarding the auspicious time in placing the feng shui enhancement/cure, it is ideal to commence on Feb 10, 2-024, at 7 – 9 am or 3 – 5 pm.

Center Palace (中宮方) – Three Green Jade Wood Star (三碧禄存星)

This star will bring conflicts, gossip and lawsuits to the family. To counteract its effects, putting fire element objects in the center of the house, main bedroom and office is good. One of the most effective items I frequently recommend is a red light (must be on 24/7). Other favourable items are a red carpet or nine (9) numbers of Chinese red envelopes (利是封).

It is essential to keep this area bright and clean and avoid too many wood elements, such as green plants and books.

East Sector (正東方) – One White Water Star (一白貪狼星)

In 2024, the One White Water star flew to the East sector. This star is favourable for bringing romance, nobleman (貴人), and career luck; this effect is much more potent because it will enhance the wood element of the East sector, which enhances romance/marriage, carer luck, and fame.

 For romance luck, you can put flowers like roses and peach trees. To attract side-money luck like stock investing, lottery luck, etc., a gold or metal pixiu ()feng shui figurine is ideal in the East sector of the house or the crucial rooms. If this is too difficult, another alternative enhancement tool is to put one (1) number of dark round marble or stone pebbles in a bottle of clean water (make sure that the water is always clean and at least ¾ full all the time, and put it in the East sector. This is critical, especially on an east-facing entrance door.

One important thing to remember is to avoid exposing sharp metal objects like scissors or knives in this area, like the kitchen; they must be put inside the cabinet. Otherwise, it will cause relationship problems and conflicts among the family members.

SE sector (東南方) – Two Dark Earth Stars (二黑巨門星)

The Two Dark Earth Stars will be in the SE sector. This star is considered one of the most vicious stars in Feng Shui. If treated correctly in feng shui, it will result in good health and misfortune.

This is important, especially if it is the kitchen area or where the refrigerator or dining table is located.

One of the most effective cures is to hang eight (8) old Chinese coins and a metal Wu-lo in this area. If you are following my advice that you used it the previous year, you can reuse it after cleaning it with salt water and dry it under the sun for 24 hours.

Avoid too many Fire elements or red objects in this area, as this will enhance the effects of the star. Also, ensure the SE area of the house is clean, bright, good circulation and dry.

NW sector – (西北方) – Four Green Wood Star (四綠文曲星)

The Four Green Wood Star is located in the NW sector. This star is favourable for scholar, career and fame luck. However, its energy will be subdued by the metal chi of the NW sector because metal destroys wood. This will cause health issues. Therefore, some water elements are needed to neutralize this effect.

Suppose there are students in the family. In that case, I recommend putting a metal feng shui 9-storey pagoda (文昌塔) and four bamboo stems in water in this area or at the top left corner of the study/office desk to enhance the examination and career luck in 2024.

West sector – (正西方) – Five Yellow Earth Star (五黄廉貞星)

Every year, I will spend more time discussing the Five Yellow Earth Star in my forecast because this is the most vicious star in Xuan Kong Flying Stars Feng Shui. It will cause serious accidents, major disasters, and even death. Thus, proper and effective cures shall be applied in our homes and offices. Especially for a west-facing entrance door house.

In 2024, it is not auspicious to have significant renovation work and to avoid too many red or yellow colours items in the West area of the house/office.

In Feng Shui, the Western sector of the Ba Gua is associated with the female members and the household’s youngest daughter; its metal element represents the body’s lungs, intestines, and nose. Thus, proper Feng Shui cures must be applied, especially if the youngest girl’s bedroom is in the house's western area.

My faithful readers are familiar with the most effective feng shui cure I recommend in my past annual Flying Stars forecasts, placing six (6) old Chinese coins in the sector where the yearly Five Yellow Earth Star is located. Frankly, this is what I also applied in my own house. Technically speaking, you are relocating it to the West sector from last year. Remember that it must be appropriately cleaned with salt water before using it again. Also, if the bedroom is located in the West sector, you can add a meta-Wu-lo to enhance its effects. Also, you can apply the same in the West area of the office.

Ensuring this area is clean, clutter-free, bright and dry is vital. Also, remove excessive fire element objects and colours. In addition, in 2024, it is not proper for a pregnant woman to spend too much time in the West area of the house as it may affect the health of both the mother and the fetus.

 NE sector – (東北方) – Six White Metal Star (六白武曲星)

The Six White Metal Star will fly to the NE sector this year. This auspicious star will bring side-money luck, such as stock investment and lottery wins. Choosing the NE direction and countries is adventurous if you plan to do some foreign business opportunities.

Therefore, I will recommend putting a metal Chi-Lin (麒麟) or Pi-Yao (貔貅) feng shui figurine in the NE sector of the house/office. If you have some lucky feng shui items like money trees, etc., it is a proper place to place them (make sure it is cleaned with salt water).

As always, any money sector in the house should be bright and clutter-free, and it is not ideal to have too many Fire-element items or colours in this area.

South Sector – (正南方) – Seven Red Metal Star (七赤破軍星)

In 2024, the annual Seven Red Metal Star will be in the South sector. This star will bring conflicts, warfare and accidents (especially car accidents for a South facing house). In addition, this will also cause respiratory diseases.

Therefore, avoiding meetings or negotiating places in the southern sectors is recommended because it may cause disagreement or conflicting ideas.

The ideal cure is applying the Feng Shui idea of “metal carrying water” (水洩金) to dissipate its energy. The most effective remedy is to put a bottle or jar of clean water in this area. The water must be clean and packed all the time.

Last but not least, ensure that all sharp metal objects are put away in this area, which must be cluttered-free and bright.

North Sector – (正北方) – Eight White Earth Star (八白佐輔星)

The most promising Eight White Earth Star is located in the North sector. This star will bring continued monetary luck and fortune.

Therefore, it is vital to keep this area clean and clutter-free. Auspicious Feng Shui artifacts and items— money trees, fish tanks, etc.- are ideal for this area to enhance its effects.  

South West sector – (西南方) – Nine Purple Fire Star (九紫右弼星)

In 2024, the Nine Purple Fire Star flew to the SW sector. This star will foster romance, nobleman, and happiness. Therefore, the SW area of the house must be kept clean and cluttered to not disrupt this star's positive effects.

Placing/applying fire element objects and colours in this area will surely enhance its energy. Some examples are red carpets, lights, and red flowers (a total number of nine), perfect enhancement feng shui arrangements in the southwest area of the house.

To conclude, I would like to stress that we must have a positive mindset when placing the above feng shui arrangements and make sure that the concept of “less is more” is applied.

Lastly, I want to wish my readers and their loved ones a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2024, Year of the Dragon!

               新春大吉, 出入平安, 身体健康, 万事如意!


























Sunday, January 22, 2023

DIY Tips for Applying Feng Shui Cures


Today is Jan 22, 2023, the start date of the Luna Chinese New Year.  I will take this opportunity to wish all my readers and their loved ones a Safe, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

Since I posted the 2023 annual flying stars forecast, I have received many emails asking for assistance in preparing the cures/enhancements. Therefore, I post these DIY tips regarding preparing feng shui cures, which will help my readers enjoy a sound and safe New Year.

恭喜發財, 身體健康, 事業進步, 出入平安, 諸事如意!

1.  Less is More

As long as we understand the principles and logic of the cures, we can apply a manageable quantity of feng shui items to be effective. For instance, hanging the appropriate numbers of old Chinese coins shall be good enough to counteract the annual Two Black Earth illness earth star and the Five Yellow Disaster earth star. In this case, we use the coins' metal element to dissipate the Earth’s star's energy. Furthermore, this has been proven in many years of my professional and personal experience that it works!

2. Auspicious Day and Time

We must choose an auspicious day and time to apply the cures to be effective. This is based on the feng shui theory that it will maximize the Heaven, Earth and Man luck (天時, 地利, 入和).

The most important criterion is not to use a day inauspicious to a particular Chinese Zodiac animal’s birth sign, which will disrupt the activities.

Please email me if any of my readers need assistance in this matter.

3. Positive Visualization (呼形喝像)

When you put up a feng shui cure, this is just an object; you need to assign a unique role to activate its effectiveness. This can be achieved by assigning positive thinking along the way. For example, when you are putting up old Chinese coins, you need to visualize that it is releasing a bright golden light that dissipates the dark energy of the inauspicious earth star.

To achieve peace of mind, if it is appropriate to whatever your religious belief, saying a prayer or so at the same time will also help.

4. Feng Shui works for me

Feng shui is very personal; you must own it to work for you. I will refer you to the article on my blog site, which is self-explanatory:

Another essential condition that made feng shui work for us is we must "own" it, i.e., we must pay for the feng shui service because feng shui is very personal. In my professional practice, even if I am helping my family members or best friends in feng shui matters, I will insist that they pay for the service, even for a minimal fee.

That is also why I have received kind donations to my blog site from many readers who follow my feng shui advice after I have explained this vital concept to them!

5. You can reuse the Feng Shui items for the annual flying stars

If you prefer, you can buy or replace the feng shui items yearly. However, you can reuse the existing feng shui items. For example, the old Chinese coins used as cures for the Number 2 illness star and the Number 5 yellow disaster star can be reused after you have cleaned them with salt water and dried it under the sun for 24 h,  and put them in the appropriate sector based on my annual flying stars' forecast.  














Friday, January 20, 2023

2023 annual flying stars Feng Shui Enhancement and Cures (癸卯年)


In 2023, under Feng Shui practice, the year of the Rabbit's official start date is February 4, 2023 (立春曰) at 10:33, which is different from the start date of the Chinese Lunar New Year, which is on January 22, 2023.

This year, the Five Yellow Earthstar (五黃廉貞星), the most powerful and vicious star in feng shui, will fly to the NW sector. It will cause significant loss in wealth and ill health, especially to the male household members in the family.


Therefore, it will be of utmost importance that a proper Feng Shui cure is in place in the NW area of the house.


Center Palace (中宮) - Four Green Scholar sector


The Four Green Wood star (四綠文曲星) flies to the center palace. If family members are studying or want to advance their careers, it is auspicious to put green plants in the center of the house. The most effective is four (4) lucky bamboo sticks in water. 

However, I will caution my readers not to put yellow or red items or sharp metal objects in this area because this will hinder fortune and cause accidents for the family. 


If possible, it would be good to move the study or office desk to the center of the room while placing four brushes (文昌筆) or nine-storey Pagoda (文昌塔) on the desk. A dark or blue carpet will also help.


SW (西南方) - One White Peach Blossom (桃花位) Sector


The One White Water star (一白貪狼星) flies to the SW sector. This star is associated with people, romance and side money luck such as the lottery, stock investment, etc.


It is proper to put auspicious items like money trees or six numbers of gold coins in this sector to enhance its energy; metal objects like Chi-Lin (麒鱗) are also suitable for this area. However, it is also essential to keep this area clean and bright and avoid too many enhancements, or it will cause third-party involvement in the marriage.


This One White star will also bring fertility luck. Those married women who want to have a baby this year shall enhance the feng shui in this sector, like the following ( 麒麟送子).

East (正東方) - Two Black Illness Sector

The Two Black stars (二黑巨門星) will bring much suffering and illness. Therefore, a proper feng shui cure is required. The most efficient way is to hang a metal WU-Lo and eight old Chinese coins in this area, especially true if the bed is located in the East sector of the bedroom. In addition, white or grey carpets are also good practice.


It is also vital that this area of the house must be clean, bright and dry to reduce the energy or chi of this illness earth star.


In 2023, try to avoid putting the bed in the East area of the bedroom. If it is not feasible to move the bed to other locations, the Feng Shui cure must be put near the bed. A white or grey carpet is also an excellent way to counteract this illness star.


SE (東南方)- Three Jade Conflicts Sector


In 2023, the Three Jade metal star (三碧星) will be in the SE sector. It will bring conflicts, arguments and lawsuits, especially those houses with SE entrances. Furthermore, it is not auspicious to commence large renovation projects or put too many green plants and blue objects (water fountains) in this area because this will enhance its energy.


The most effective feng shui cure in this respect is to put a container of water in this area (make sure that the water is clean and ¾ total all the time). 

In addition, putting a red light (must be on 24/7) is also a good area. This will help to reduce the chances of arguments in the family. As a matter of fact, this is primarily a feng shui cure that I used in my own house to counteract the annual Three Jade star.


NW (西北方) – Five Yellow Disaster Sector


The Five Yellow earth star (五黃廉貞星)is the most vicious in Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui. It is associated with disasters or even death. Therefore, the NW area of the house must be cluttered-free, bright and dry. Major renovation works are not recommended and only include a few red objects or fire element objects in this sector of the house.


The most effective cure is to hang six (6) old Chinese coins in this area. A metal clock or Chi Lin is also a proper cure to counteract the energy of the Five Yellow star.


At home, it will bring the loss of fortune, accidents and significantly affect the pregnant woman in the house, as stated in the classical Feng Shui text Zǐ bái Ju 紫白訣:[五主孕婦受災]. Thus it is not auspicious to work or sleep extensively in the NW sector of the house.

West (正西方)- Six White Side-fortune Sector

In 2023, the Six White metal star (六白武曲星) will fly to the West sector of the house. This star is associated with side money (偏財) and nobleman luck. If there is a window in this area, you can open the window as much as possible to attract the positive chi.

This area is not auspicious for having heavy furniture or objects in this area as this will obstruct the positive chi of the Six White metal star.

Also, note that the 2023 “Three Sha” star [ 三煞位] is also located in the West sector.  Therefore, it is not auspicious to sit in this area. I suggest using three (3) metal Chi-Lin to counteract the “Three Sha” star. Another practical feng shui item to put in this housing area is the feng shui “dragon turtle” [龍龜]. This will serve both to contain the sha-chi of the “Three Sha” star and, at the same time to attract the side-money luck from the Six White metal star.

NE (東北方) - Seven Jade Conflicts/Loss of Fortune Sector

In 2023, the Seven Jade metal star (七赤破軍星) flies to the NE sector of the house. This star is associated with loss of fortune, conflicts and missed opportunities in promotion; especially true you are sitting or sleeping in this area. This star will also cause accidents, especially automobile accidents.


The most effective cure (which I also used in my own house) is to put a container of clean water in this area to counteract its sha-chi because water will dissipate the metal energy of the Seven jade star. Please ensure the water is always clean and at least ¾ total.


Also, try to put away all sharp metal objects, like knives, scissors etc., in this housing area to prevent accidents.


South (正南方) – Eight White Money South Fortune Sector


This star (八白佐輔星) will have tremendous money and fortune and is considered the most auspicious star in Xuan Kong Flying Star feng shui.


This year, it will fly to the South sector. It is auspicious to place red or purple objects in this area. It is pivotal to keep this housing area bright and clean, to avoid putting objects like TV, Refrigerator or sound systems as this will disturb the positive chi. One thing to keep in mind is to remove any water fountain or aquarium, as there is a Feng shui saying that “water will dissipate the money” [見財化水]. If the main entrance door is in the South of the house, no feng shui placement is necessary as the positive chi will enter the house through the door, which is referred to as the “mouth of chi.”


To enhance the money luck of the Eight White star, you can put money trees, a treasure box or eight jade stones in this housing area.


North (正北方) - Nine Purple Happiness Sector


In 2023, the Nine Purple fire star (九紫右弼星) flies to the North. This is one of the bright stars in feng shui that brings romance, people and money luck. Therefore, this area must be cleaned with no old or non-used objects or furniture because this will disrupt the positive energy of the star.


To enhance the romance luck, you can place red and purple flowers or jade stones (it is best in a total of nine (9) total in this area.

Furthermore, besides the SW area, those couples who are seeking fertility luck this is also the additional area to put feng shui enhancement for the 2023 number nine fire star.




I want to express my most significant appreciation to my loyal readers/followers for supporting me in preparing the above feng shui report all these years (with current total pageviews of 329,560). I hope this serves to protect you and your family safely, healthily and prosperously living under the ideas of the mighty Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui (玄空飛星風水).


If you have any questions or need assistance preparing the feng shui cure, please feel free to contact me, and I will try my best to respond as soon as possible. Lastly, I wish you all a Prosperous, Safe and Happy Chinese New Year!


恭喜發財, 身體健康, 事業進步, 出入平安, 諸事如意!


Friendly Note: I am requesting my readers that their donation (whatever amount) is needed to help me maintain and update this blog site, as it requires me to put much effort into doing so. 


Furthermore, in doing so, you fulfilled an essential step of applying the feng shui cure, i.e., you own the treatment, and it will work only for you.


If you are kind enough to send your donation (whatever amount), you can click on the "donate" button at the blog page's bottom right. Thank you very much!