Monday, March 24, 2014

Landslide in Washington State, USA - Does this have anything to do with the flying stars of the Xuan Kong Flying Star Feng Shui?

“On March 22, 2014 around 11 am, a landslide happened in Snohomish County, Washington, USA which so far killed 7 people, 3 critically injured and 108 people reported missing”.
Before I go any further, I will like to express my deepest condolence to the residents who lost their loved one in this natural disaster!
This tragic news has caught my attention as I believe it may have been affected by the flying stars in the Xuan Kong Flying Star feng shui. For discussion only, I will list below my findings from the studying of the flying star combinations related to this natural disaster:
First of all, in authentic Chinese feng shui, the United States is considered located at the East in relationship with China. In 2014, the annual 2 earth star is located at the East (3 base star), and the [2, 3] combination indicates the opportunities of people got trapped and killed by landslide.
Based on the “big tai chi” of the United States, the Washington State is located at the NW. In 2014, the 5 yellow star is located at the NW (6 base star);  [5, 6] combination indicates the opportunities of the male household trapped by mudslide and massive landslide. If we look further at the “big tai chi”, the Snohomish County is located at the NW of the Washington State.

Therefore, all the above interpretations point to my reasoning why the landslide was happened at this part of the United States.
Now, let us take a look at the monthly flying star which basically served as the "trigger" of an event in the Xuan Kong Flying Star feng shui. In 2014, the monthly flying star of March which is located at the NW is the 8 earth star. When it combine with the 2014 annual 5 yellow star at the NW,  [5, 8] combination also call for landslide.
Look further down to the daily flying stars pattern, we can see that on March 22, the 3 wood star is located at the NW sector. Now let us look at the hourly flying star of March 22 at 11 am – 1 pm; the 2 earth star is located at the NW sector. Again [2, 3] combination denotes the opportunities of people got trapped and killed by landslide!
Based on all the above “coincidence”, it sure leads us to think that the flying stars may have caused this tragic events!

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